The most powerful christian testimonies
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50 testimonies found related to En Vida Dura, la historia de una mujer que se involucró en una extraña secta ocultista
Created by Cristian
On May-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura, el testimonio de Carlos Antesana

Created by Cristian
On May-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, el famoso atleta Roberto Abugattas, acostumbrado al exito, enfrenta el fracaso

Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, conozca la vida de un joven cuyo padre se suicidó

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura, Carmen Galindo, pierde a su madre y es abusada y cae en un terrible ciclo de depresion

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura una mujer busca en relaciones equivocadas el amor que le faltó en su infancia

Created by Cristian
On Dec-06-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura un joven recibe un mal ejemplo de su padre y se convierte en un peligroso criminal
En Vida Dura: Un joven recibe un mal ejemplo de su padre y termina en las calles convertido en criminal. También, a una jovencita se le promete el cielo pero lo que recibe es un verdadero infierno....

Created by Cristian
On Mar-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En vida dura la dramática historia de un joven atrapado por el vicio del alcohol

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura Graciela Romero y Aldo Arraya , dos personas que tocaron fondo y fueron restauradas

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura el ambiente donde un joven vivia influye para convertirlo en un peligroso delincuente

Created by Cristian
On Mar-08-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura Eddie Morales quien quedó imposibilitado de por vida luego de ser atacado por pandillas

Created by Cristian
On Jan-15-2013
Conversion testimony
En Vida Dura conozca como afectan el futuro de los niños, los abusos constantes sufridos en la niñez

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She would do drugs with her mother just to feel a sense of connection. It was also a way to numb the pain from her rape and abuse....
Drinking and driving left Eric responsible for the deaths of two young women. But he found his second chance in the most unlikely place, the mother of one of the daughters he killed....
Ginger Howell started casting spells and reading tarot cards in her quest for protection and peace in her teen years. She had a few dark and scary encounters before she found true peace. ...
Created by Cristian
On Jan-12-2013
Terry Warren: Amazing Love
The wheels were coming off of Eddie's self-indulgent life, but he didn't know a way out. Then one day a friend of a friend crossed his path....
Brandy turned to drugs early in life as an escape from depression, and addiction soon followed. But when her husband died in a motorcycle accident, it ultimately led to her salvation....
Created by Cristian
On Oct-20-2011
Phil Snyder. A Mission of Mercy
It was a clear day for missionary Phil Snyder when a rock was hurled at his window and the shots rang out. What happened next would shake his faith and threaten his life....
Marriage In Crisis Experiences Miracle...
Created by Cristian
On Oct-31-2011
Randy and Dianne Marcum
When Mike Robie stepped into his office one beautiful spring morning, he had no idea that his life was about to be turned upside down by two total strangers....




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